Mini Diaphragm Seals
Gaugetech® Mini Seals are all-welded, gasketless, threaded off-line seals. The mini seal is an economical choice for isolation of smaller gauges or where high sensitivity is not required. All welded design, standard pressure rating of 2000 psi MWP.
GT35 Series
1 1/2" Dial through 3 1/2" dial sizes
Pressure transducers and transmitters or other small displacement instruments
GT45 Series
All gauges through 4 1/2" dial size
Please consult our sales desk for further information regarding our diaphragm & sanitary seals.
Gaugetech Diaphragm Seals
Gaugetech® Full Size diaphragm seals are a multi-purpose seal that isolates the pressure instrument from viscous, abrasive and/or corrosive process fluids. A diaphragm seal may also be used to protect the instrument from hot process fluids.
We offer from stock standard 316SS housings and diaphragms with threaded female process connections in 1/2" and 1" NPT Female. The instrument connection is a standard 1/2" NPT Male.
Other exotic materials and flanged connections are available through special order.